Jennifer Schwartz Art Therapy
There are places that seem
to expect us:
to take us in like pilgrims
from the way ahead
to tell us suddenly
and without fanfare
of a new beginning
made out of nothing
but the way we got here.
David Whyte from Etruscan Tomb
About Jennifer
I am a Registered Canadian Art Therapist with the Canadian Art Therapy Association. I have been working as an Art Therapist for over 20 years. I am also trained in play therapy, complex trauma and I am currently completing the supervision component in mentalization based treatment (MBT-C, MBT-A).
I grew up in Prince Albert in Northern Saskatchewan and attended university at the U of S fresh out of high school. I graduated with a Bachelor of Education with the intention of going to law school but I was side tracked by art and the creative act.
There is something magical about the deep connection and the synchronicity that happens when embodying an image and discovering its form, balance and beauty.
I became interested in the therapeutic value of art after taking some painting classes at Concordia University in Montreal and working as a painter. I was fascinated by the effect that my painting process had on observers in my studio. I enrolled in training at the Kutenai Art Therapy institute in Nelson BC and it seemed all my paths had converged.
My first job after completing my training was working at the Edmonton People in Need Shelter Society. This fantastic organization is devoted to enhancing the well-being, comfort and fellowship of individuals suffering from severe and persistent chronic mental illness. Here I designed an art therapy studio and led groups on many memorable recreation adventures.
I was completing my thesis on art therapy with children who have "behaviors of concern" and this interest led me to a position as "behavior management teacher" at Ministikwan Lake Cree Nation ᒥᓂᐢᑎᑿᐣ in northern Saskatchewan where I worked for 2 years. Working and living in this community was a formative and fulfilling experience for me.
Looking to work more clinically I returned to BC and started working as a Child & Youth Mental Health Clinician and therapist (MCFD) with children, youth and their families. In this position I have worked with children and youth who presented with a wide range of mental health issues. I have specialized in complex trauma and working with clients and their families who have experienced sexual abuse. In the past 10 years I have been working closer with parents and integrating reflective parenting and mentalization approaches.
In Private Practice I have worked online and in person as a therapist with adults, youth, children and families. Working by zoom allows me to connect with clients all across Canada.
I am a clinical supervisor working with art therapists who are employed in a variety of different positions.

Click to read about experience, training and interests